Sito ufficiale di Villa Grock e del Museo del Clown
Grock’s history 
Adrien Wettach, born in Reconvilier, (Switzerland), 10 January 1880, anointed "King of clowns" at the Olympia in Paris in 1919, was a real international star since the beginning of the twentieth century until his farewell to the stage in 1954. Extraordinary artist : juggler, acrobat, able to play a variety of musical instruments, charmed audiences around the world turning round his stage name in authentic legend. Imperia met by chance, visiting, on holiday, in 1920, the parents in-laws, and he was so impressed to buy a house with land, initially intended to holidays. In that place was built villa that still dominates the hill of Oneglia and became permanent residents of the clown until 1959. That was the year when Grock died here, where the house and garden are proud to witness the sign of their eclectic owner, still beaming strongly melancholic famous smile.